Rubber sandblasting stencils are primarily used in the glass industry for marking glass products. They are made from a special rubber compound that ensures material flexibility and can withstand several hundred to thousands of uses.


A mask is used to transfer a specific design or motif (e.g., logo, mark, trademark, technical description, etc.) onto a particular object.


A surface decoration method that results in matting and opacity. It is most commonly used in the glass industry for product marking.

Method of use

Our stencils are primarily used by glass companies for marking glass, also known as sign making. This typically involves small designs with a diameter of up to 20 mm, used to mark glasses with the logo of the company or the business purchasing their products.

The sandblasting is done using sign-making machines, which are specialized sandblasters designed for the quick application of designs on glass. The stencil is attached to the flange of the sign-making machine, where the glass is placed. The process begins by pressing a pedal, which activates a stream of sand through a nozzle. The sand passes through the openings in the stencil, and within 2–3 seconds, the desired permanent design is complete.

Pieskuje sa pomocou signovačiek, čo sú špeciálne pieskovačky na rýchlu aplikáciu dekoru na sklo. Šablóna je upevnená na prírube signovačky, na ktorú sa priloží pohár. Signovanie prebieha stlačením pedála, po ktorom sa spustí prúd piesku cez trysku. Prúd piesku prechádza cez otvory v šablóne a v priebehu 2 – 3 sekúnd je požadovaný nezmazateľný dekor hotový.

Why sandblasting?

Glass companies use various methods for marking glass, such as stickers, printing, or engraving. Among engraving methods are sandblasting and laser engraving. These techniques ensure the durability and permanence of the design, as they create a matte and opaque finish on the glass.

Company logos or design elements applied with a laser have a more industrial and raw appearance, while sandblasting creates a more elegant and refined look.

Laser engraving

  • digital control (CNC)
  • precision and detail
  • speed
  • ideal for personalized designs
  • the surface appears more transparent under light
  • not all types of glass react the same to laser (they may crack or have an uneven surface)


  • creates a tangible texture
  • the surface is uniformly smooth and velvety soft
  • creates a better visual effect and appears more elegant
  • ideal for mass production of simple designs
  • manual labor is required, as well as sandblasting stencils
  • it can be dusty and noisy
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