Our sandblasting stencils are made from a special rubber compound with a thickness ranging from 0.6 to 1 mm.

Thanks to their properties (flexibility and resistance to sandblasting), they can withstand several hundred to thousands of sandblasting cycles.

Leading glass companies in Europe and around the world use our rubber sandblasting stencils for glass marking.

Stencil creation

The sandblasting stencil is designed to withstand as many sandblasting cycles as possible. Each logo must be adjusted for sandblasting purposes. The modified logo design and all changes are always discussed with the customer.


original logo

our stencil


marked product

Shape and size

The stencils can be used to create various designs with a minimum font height of 1 mm and a maximum design size of approximately 50 mm. The size of the stencil material around the design varies depending on the type of marking tool.

The mask material can have the shape of a rectangle, square, circle, or ellipse.

The most commonly used dimensions are:

  • 35 x 30 mm,
  • 40 x 40 mm,
  • 55 x 55 mm,
  • 70 x 70 mm.

Mask lifespan

Each mask is unique, and its lifespan is primarily determined by:

  • the complexity or intricacy of the design (e.g., font size),
  • the thickness of the sandblasting stencil,
  • the pressure settings during sandblasting,
  • the grain size of the sand used for sandblasting.
WARNING! Do not expose masks to prolonged sunlight. They are not UV-stable and will lose their flexibility.

© 2025 Dekorcentrum Jurda s.r.o.